RIEDEL Performance
RIEDEL Performance 融入了三代人在创造功能性葡萄品种特定玻璃器皿方面的经验,是第 10 代和第 11 代 Georg 和 Maximilian Riedel 不断改进前人的成果而获得。
这个技术先进的系列是具有柔和视觉感受的第一个具有杯体特色的 RIEDEL 系列。Riedel 家族旨在改善葡萄酒感官体验的详细研究表明,增加玻璃酒杯的内表面对葡萄酒的香气和风味的感知 有积极影响。
这是通过独特的光学效果实现的,它不仅使大杯体产生令人愉悦的视觉效果,还扩大了表面积,让 葡萄酒充分打开,完全 展现每一种香气和细微差别。
RIEDEL Performance 玻璃酒杯 形状完美平衡、耐用且可用洗碗机清洗,由闪闪发光的水晶玻璃机器制成。
凭借精致的杯茎和稳定的大底座,该系列还包括用于Cabernet、 Chardonnay 和 Riesling 的新的杯体形状,结合视觉效果,提供 终极的葡萄酒享受。 RIEDEL Performance 是所有葡萄酒爱好者必备的玻璃酒杯系列。
RIEDEL Performance 由机器使用水晶玻璃制成。所有 RIEDEL Performance 玻璃杯均符合 洗碗机安全。

RIEDEL Performance is a groundbreaking collection designed to enhance the wine-drinking experience. Through innovative optic technology, these glasses increase the wine’s surface area, allowing it to develop aromas and flavors more fully than in standard glassware.
The unique optical effect in RIEDEL Performance glasses expands the inner surface area of the bowl. This encourages better aeration, allowing the wine to breathe more efficiently and unlocking deeper flavors and aromas.
Yes, each glass in the collection is carefully shaped to enhance the characteristics of specific grape varieties. The design ensures that the structure, balance, and aromas of the wine are optimally expressed.
Absolutely. Despite their lightweight and refined craftsmanship, RIEDEL Performance glasses are durable and dishwasher safe. We recommend placing them carefully to prevent contact with other items during washing. Click here The Best Ways to Clean Glassware to learn the best way to care for your RIEDEL glassware.